1947 Tip Top Bread D323 Baseball Cards

Walter Judnick 1947 Tip Top Bread (D323) #64
Walter Judnick 1947 Tip Top Bread (D323) #64

1947 Tip Top Bread is a 163-card regional issue that’s known for its quantity of obscure players, many of whom played during the talent-lean WWII years.

I stumbled across an example from this set recently and wanted to share it with you. 1947 Tip Top Bread hails from a time when advertisements were still the most popular real-estate filler for card backs. It’s a nice surprise to flip a baseball card over and find an advertisement for a bread company. Granted, there were plenty of food issues released throughout the years, this particular release features a full picture of the actual product – a loaf of bread.

After doing some research, I’ve learned that this set is likely one of the rarest WW-II era baseball card releases. It’s also thought that the St. Louis Browns are the most common in the set. Although not clearly stated, these cards are thought to have been distributed geographically respective to a teams location. For example, all of the Browns cards were released in St. Louie, all the Yankees cards were released in Brooklyn, and so on. If this is the case, this would perhaps account for the scarcity of cards of players from certain teams.

For those of you attempting to complete a set of 1947 Tip Top Bread, hats off to you, it’s a monster task. It shouldn’t be impossible however… I read of one collector doing it and it only took him 23 years.

To see what’s currently on eBay from 1947 Tip Top Bread, click here.


Card #Player(s)Card #Player(s)
1Bill Ayers83“Mickey” Livingston
2Floyd Baker84Carroll Lockman
3Charles Barrett85Jack Lohrke
4Eddie Basinski86Ernie Lombardi
5John Berardino87Vic Lombardi
6Larry Berra88Edmund Lopat
7Bill Bevens89Harry Lowrey
8Robert Blattner90Marty Marion
9Ernie Bonham91Willard Marshall
10Bob Bragan92Phil Masi
11Ralph Branca93Edward J. Mayo
12Alpha Brazle94Clyde McCullough
13Bobbie Brown (Bobby)95Frank Melton
14Mike Badnick96Cass Michaels
15Ken Burkhart97Ed Miksis
16Thomas Byrne98Arthur Mills
17Earl Caldwell99Johnny Mize
18“Hank” Camelli100Lester Moss
19Hugh Casey101“Pat” Mullin
20Phil Cavarretta102“Bob” Muncrief
21Bob Chipman103George Munger
22Lloyd Christopher104Fritz Ostermueller
23Bill Cox105James P. Outlaw
24Bernard Creger106Frank “Stub” Overmire
25Frank Crosetti107Andy Pafko
26Joffre Cross108Joe Page
27Leon Culberson109Roy Partee
28Dick Culler110Johnny Pesky
29Dom DiMaggio111Nelson Potter
30George Dickey112Mel Queen
31Chas E. Diering113Marion Rackley
32Joseph Dobson114Al Reynolds
33Bob Doerr115Del Rice
34Ervin Dusak116Marv Rickert
35Bruce Edwards117John Rigney
36Walter “Hoot” Evers118Phil Rizzuto
37Clifford Fannin119Aaron Robinson
38“Nanny” Fernandez120“Preacher” Roe
39Dave “Boo” Ferriss121Carvel Rowell
40Elbie Fletcher122Jim Russell
41Dennis Galehouse123Rip Russell
42Joe Garagiola124Connie Ryan
43Sid Gordon125John Sain
44John Gorsica126Ray Sanders
45Hal Gregg127Fred Sanford
46Frank Gustine128Johnny Schmitz
47Stanley Hack129Joe Schultz
48Mickey Harris130“Rip” Sewell
49Clinton Hartung131Dick Sisler
50Joe Hatten132“Sibby” Sisti
51Frank Hayes133Enos Slaughter
52“Jeff” Heath134“Billy” Southworth
53Tom Henrich135Warren Spahn
54Gene Hermanski136Verne Stephens (Vern)
55Kirby Higbe137George Sternweiss (Stirnweiss)
56Ralph Hodgin138Ed Stevens
57Tex Hughson139Nick Strincevich
58Fred Hutchinson140“Bobby” Sturgeon
59LeRoy Jarvis141Robt. “Bob” Swift
60“Si” Johnson142Geo. “Birdie” Tibbetts (Tebbetts)
61Don Johnson143“Mike” Tresh
62Earl Johnson144Ken Trinkle
63John Jorgensen145Paul “Diz” Trout
64Walter Judnick (Judnich)146Virgil “Fire” Trucks
65Tony Kaufmann147Thurman Tucker
66George Kell148Bill Voiselle
67Charlie Keller149Hal Wagner
68Bob Kennedy150Honus Wagner
69Montia Kennedy151Eddy Waitkus
70Ralph Kiner152Richard “Dick” Wakefield
71Dave Koslo153Jack Wallaesa
72Jack Kramer154Charles Wensloff
73Joe Kuhel155Ted Wilks
74George Kurowski156Mickey Witek
75Emil Kush157“Jerry” Witte
76“Eddie” Lake158Ed Wright
77Harry Lavagetto159Taft Wright
78Bill Lee160Henry Wyse
79Thornton Lee161“Rudy” York
80Paul Lehner162Al Zarilla
81John Lindell163Bill Zuber
82Danny Litwhiler
1947 Tip Top Bread


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