Ken Griffey, Jr. 1999 Topps Gold Label #100 Class 2
About The Author
Rodney Vallejo
Former Contributor | Rodney is a die-hard Cincinnati Reds fan and has been player collecting Ken Griffey, Jr. since the early 1990s - he enjoys the inserts and parallels from the '90s era the most. He has been featured on multiple baseball card-themed podcasts, here at and on the Essential Credentials podcast on YouTube. He is an administrator for multiple Facebook baseball card groups: Griffey Collectors, 1990-2004 Rare Inserts, and RetroBreakerz (1990's box breaks). He also is a main contributor to the website. Professionally, Rodney is a Management Consultant and has a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Illinois Tech and a Master's Degree in Sport & Exercise Psychology from Barry University in Miami.