The 1994 SP Holoview set was and still is a really great release. While the Blue parallel hosts a hologram and a flat background, the Die-Cut Red parallel has the same hologram but with a refractor like foil background. The discrepancy in the backgrounds is something that I only discovered recently when comparing these Mark McGwires. A nice touch indeed. I’ve always liked these cards.
Due to the fact that this was the inaugural MLB year for both Alex Rodriguez and Michael Jordan, this product holds a somewhat premium price tag in comparison to many other products that arrived on the scene in 1994. Player demand aside, let’s have a look at the numbers and see what you’re up against.
At the time of this writing, a box of 1994 SP can be had on eBay for about $500. Each box contains 32 packs. That equates to roughly $15.50 per pack. According to Beckett, odds of pulling a Blue Holoview are 1:5 packs. That means that in order to pull one Blue Holoview, you would have to buy 5 packs of SP, setting you backs $77.50. One the other hand, the odds of pulling the Red Holoview parallel are 1:75. Money required in order to pull a Red = $1162.50! And that’s just with the $15.50 price point, I have seen these packs in hobby stores priced for as much as $25/pack!
Ok, now let’s have an even closer look at what it will require to pull your favorite player. Bear with me here. The SP Holoview set contains 38 cards. That means that in order to pull the Blue parallel of your favorite player, you’re odds are 1:5(36) = 1:180 packs (5.6 boxes) With a price point of $15.50, you would have to spend $2790! And that’s just to pull the Blue Holoview of your favorite player! You think that’s bad, let’s have a look at the Red. In order to pull the Red parallel of your favorite player, assuming the same price point of $15.50, you would have to buy 1:75(36) = 2700 packs! To give you an idea, that’s 84 boxes or 7 cases (case = 12 boxes) Price? $41,850!!! This should give you a different perspective to consider when you come across the Red’s. If you’re in the market for a Red, be prepared to spend some cash because these parallels are quite rare and there’s always a demand for them.
This one’s for you, Dan G.!
To see what’s currently on eBay from 1994 SP Holoview, click here.
Set Information:
Set | Total Cards | Odds |
Blue | 38 | 1:5 |
Die Cut | 38 | 1:75 |
Card # | Player(s) | Card # | Player(s) |
1 | Robert Alomar | 20 | Brooks Kieschnick |
2 | Kevin Appier | 21 | Ryan Klesko |
3 | Jeff Bagwell | 22 | John Kruk |
4 | Jose Canseco | 23 | Barry Larkin |
5 | Roger Clemens | 24 | Pat Listach |
6 | Carlos Delgado | 25 | Don Mattingly |
7 | Cecil Fielder | 26 | Mark McGwire |
8 | Cliff Floyd | 27 | Raul Mondesi |
9 | Travis Fryman | 28 | Trot Nixon |
10 | Andres Galarraga | 29 | Mike Piazza |
11 | Juan Gonzalez | 30 | Kirby Puckett |
12 | Ken Griffey Jr. | 31 | Manny Ramirez |
13 | Tony Gwynn | 32 | Cal Ripken Jr. |
14 | Jeffrey Hammonds | 33 | Alex Rodriguez |
15 | Bo Jackson | 34 | Tim Salmon |
16 | Michael Jordan | 35 | Gary Sheffield |
17 | David Justice | 36 | Ozzie Smith |
18 | Steve Karsay | 37 | Sammy Sosa |
19 | Jeff Kent | 38 | Andy Van Slyke |
They wouldn’t be so pricey if Arod wasn’t in the set!
Ahhh! The elusive white whale… the Mark McGwire Red Holoview. That is one sweet card. Bold, clean cut, and dripping with Andro. I love it!
Tim: I absolutely agree with you there!
Dan: Haha, “dripping with Andro.” Classic!
What is the value of a complete red holoview set? The cards are not graded. I know that graded A-Rod cards go fro a pretty penny on Ebay, but ‘d like to sell the whole set and not deal with having things graded.
Thanks for the comment. If you’ve got the whole red set, that’s a pretty significant investment. My advise for selling something like that would be to put it on eBay as a whole lot auction and showcase the A-Rod, Jordan and Ripken. I would imagine that the actual value for the whole set, and don’t quote me, would be a few hundred bucks or more. How many hundreds, well, the market will decide that. Best of luck and let us know how it goes! 🙂
No any info on a Andres galarraga card but with a Ken Griffen jr holagram wrror?
Hi Russ,
Thanks for the comment. A number of hologram errors from this set have been found. It’s unconfirmed, at least to my knowledge, whether or not these errors exist for all cards in the set, however.